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Sunday, May 20, 2018

The 4 Main Parts Of An Article

Where To Get Your Content

I do my research for each article by reading content from websites, online searches, and anywhere else I can get useful information. Another great source of information for an article is YouTube videos. Watch a few of them and take notes, then put together a unique post or article of your own.

There are 4 main parts of the article which, if focused on, will make a great finished product and improve your writing skills a great deal.

1. Put The Keyword In The Title - The exact keyword should be located somewhere within the title of your posts. The title should capture the audience to read the post. Also, don't use just the keyword as a title because it might be overused and boring. An example: keyword is: make money online. The title can be: Make Money Online Today - The Four-Step Process. I think that sounds more appealing than "make money online" and would attract more viewers.

2. Use The Keyword In The First Paragraph - You need to use the exact keyword somewhere in the first 5 or 6 sentences or within the first or second paragraph of your article. Example: The keyword below,

Did you know that just about everyone can learn how to make money online today and be successful, whether it be a part-time or full-time income? With way over 3 billion internet users whichever way that you decide to go there are many others interested in the same niche.

I can easily fit that keyword in many sentences and make it flow or sound natural. Some longer keyword phrases are a bit more challenging.

I've also learned to use shorter paragraphs, 3-5 sentences when writing your piece. It can be difficult for many to read large chunks of text, can be intimidating or overwhelming for many. Keep your paragraphs smaller and more viewers will read your content.

3. Use Captivating and Relevant Subheadings within your content. It's great if you can use 5-6 subheadings that reveal what you are going to talk about next. Make the subheadings attractive to the readers.

We should know our own audiences and are in total control of our content, so we can make nice catchy headlines, titles, in everything we publish. The more that we pay attention to every detail and consistently publish quality content, the better writers we'll become.

4. Write Your Content Naturally - be sure not to overuse any keyword for the sake of a better ranking because that will work against you. The search engines notice "keyword stuffing" and won't rank your article and it could hurt your website ranking. Write naturally and use the keyword in a way that sounds natural to the reader. A great suggestion is to read the article out loud prior to publishing and pretend that you are on the receiving end. How does it sound to you?

Google and the search engines love relevant quality content from authority sites to show their search entry users. They will reward you for being just that, an expert and good author in your niche, by ranking your site higher and higher. This, of course, will attract more and more viewers to your site and increase sales, etc.

A Few More Things

Something to keep in mind is that you can alter your template if necessary but it's recommended that you create or use one for your article structure. It's meant to be a guide, not a rule of law. We should be natural, like speaking to a friend and our focus is on sharing, helping, and informing people just like ourselves. It's also best to use smaller paragraphs ( as mentioned earlier ), and bullet points, or lists, when applicable.
It's important to add an image at the start of the article and maybe a couple of more throughout. Avoid too many distractions like pop outs and ads, things that take away from the article.
Use Grammarlyor another spell checker to point out any grammar issues before publishing.
The goal of the most article content is to inform and serve the readers. There's no need to be a great author or writing expert if you can just communicate with your readers as if you're talking to a friend or family member.
The last step is going to be to publish your article on your website or elsewhere
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